Are you ready to start out the new year taking responsibility for your emotions, successes and even your failures?
Believe me when I say it can be a game changer when it comes to the success you hold in your future!
In this episode, we’re talking about the difference between emotional childhood and emotional adulthood and how you can start taking responsibility for your future by not allowing others to have control over your feelings, your success and your destiny. By the end, you will realize just how much this simple mindset switch can impact both your home life and your business.
In Today’s Episode, We Discuss:
- How you can start taking responsibility for your successes and failures
- The difference between emotional childhood and emotional adulthood
- Why you should stop placing blame on others
- Recognizing that only you are responsible for your own happiness
- Examples of areas in life where it’s easy to fall into emotional childhood
- Empowering yourself to not allow the actions of others to change your emotional state
Being able to make the transition away from emotional childhood into emotional adulthood will change the results you’re getting in your life!
Don’t forget to reach out. I would love to hear from you on where you’re being an emotional child and where you could change that to being an emotional adult.
If you’re ready to take responsibility so you can level up your life, you don’t want to miss this episode!
To read the full transcript of the episode CLICK HERE
Resources Mentioned:
Need help with Emotional Adulthood and Taking Responsibility? My colleague, Sharlee Lyons, is a success coach to young adults and those that empower them and she can help you!
Work with Andrea
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