Coaching Packages - Andrea Liebross

Which coaching package
is right for you?

Whether you’re looking for a jumpstart planning intensive or an ongoing coaching relationship with support at every level, I offer several packages to choose from.

Andrea Liebross

Intensive Coaching MINI-Package

The Vision into Action Intensive

Vision Into Action Intensive

Craft your vision and take bold action

If you can’t seem to find the time — or maybe just the brain power — to get yourself together, start here.

The Vision into Action Intensive is a four-hour planning session to create a practical business and life plan you can act on immediately. Like, tomorrow.

And, it’s not just about what happens that day. As prep, you’ll get a Business Strategy Planner beforehand so you can come to the session ready to work. You’ll also get a follow-up coaching session to help you stay on track.

And, bonus: If you sign up for a select ongoing annual package within 30 days, you get a package discount. Seriously, what’s not to love?

Stop waiting. Take action.

Annual Coaching Package

Think BIG

I've Got This

Build your business on a solid foundation

You started your business with a great idea and a lot of excitement. But you’ve reached a point where things aren’t falling together the way you’d hoped. Sure, you’re a do-it-yourself whiz… but when there’s only one you and your priorities are constantly colliding, something’s got to give. “Was this the right choice? What am I missing? What if I don’t have what it takes? Or the resources to make it happen?”

Rest assured: You do have what it takes. And it doesn’t have to be so hard. You just need the tools, resources, and guidance to integrate your work and life more seamlessly, and get this business to the place you want it to be. And good news: I can help! You don’t have to do it alone.

Annual Coaching Package

I've Really Got This

I've Really Got This

Ease your business growing pains

You’ve been successfully running your business for a while now, and you’ve set some ambitious growth goals — or you’d like to. Right now, you need to get off the crazy merry-go-round you’ve somehow gotten on. It looks like a version of this: “I don’t have anyone to help me carry the load. What I really need is to grow my team. But I’m too busy to figure who/how, and there’s no one to delegate work to because everyone I do have is too stretched to take anything on. I know, I know – I really need to hire…” And around and around you go.

A few turns on this carnival ride are enough to make you dizzy. But there IS a way to stop spinning and start growing your business. It’s time to get strategic. Let’s do this!

Annual Coaching Package

Runway to Freedom

Runway to Freedom

Maximize your time and free your mind

You have a successful business, a solid team, and things are running smoothly (well, sometimes). You’ve generated the revenue, and you’re capable of continuing to do so. You’ve grown your clientele and created new offers. Everything’s running fine, but… “fine” isn’t enough. What about amazing? What about… getting to take more vacation, step back a little? But you worry. If I’m in Tahiti, could the business run itself?

With your business savvy, you already know the right coach would be an essential partner to rocket you forward toward that answer. Someone who’ll bring some fun to the process despite the hard work. And if she happened to come with a ready-made professional network of female entrepreneurs at your level of experience… well, that would just be a bonus, wouldn’t it? Hmmm… Bring it on!