About - Andrea Liebross

Hi, I'm Andrea Liebross
And I work with unapologetically ambitious women to create the right mindset and systems that lead to success

I, too, was once like you.

Early on in my professional life, I struggled with trying to do it all, be it all, and achieve it all. I constantly researched how to be more productive, push past overwhelm, and grow.

I had all the typical challenges — a family who needed me. A never-ending sense that neither me nor my business were “enough.” And a “just trying to get through the day” feeling that I’d been battling for 10 years.

I knew there was something AND some way to live that was  better for me. But… what? Finding that “next thing” felt so messy — like a huge question with tentacles spreading in a thousand directions.

Top Business and Productivity Coach in Carmel - AndreaLiebross.com
Woman facing multiple directions

When a friend suggested I get some help from a coach, it really stopped me in my tracks. Why hadn’t I thought of asking someone for help?

Because my brain was more cluttered than an episode of Hoarders, that’s why.

I mean… what kind of help do you look for — and who can really even help you — when you’re stuck, and you don’t know why?

At the time, I didn’t even know what a coach did. But I was open-minded. I wanted the answer to that elusive “What’s Next?” question. I couldn’t seem to it find on my own, (and believe me, I had tried!), but with help… who knew what could happen?


What my own coach helped me figure out was that I loved helping other women succeed. In fact, it was a part of my job at the time — the only part that didn’t feel stagnant and boring.

I loved helping women entrepreneurs grow their businesses and develop their skills at whatever stage they were in. When they felt like their calendar was out of control. When they were convinced that they weren’t the perfect moms they “should” be. When they longed to juggle their businesses and lives in a way that didn’t feel so messy.

I loved their determination to take on the world despite feeling that they were missing that “one thing” that would help them do it. And I helped them when they accepted that they were supposed to have this thing called a “work-life balance” (haha, cliché, I know) yet had no idea how to conjure it up.

I not only loved doing these things, I was good at doing them. I had been so focused on what I thought I “should” do that I hadn’t even thought a about what I actually enjoyed doing or wanted to do next.

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So, I went all in on growing my own coaching business, and began my Next Great Move. And here I am — so much happier than I was before.

Maybe a lot of areas of your life and business have been built around more “shoulds” than “wants,” too. And maybe that “messy middle” of your business feels like it is consuming you. Well, there’s a good chance your own solution is right in front of you — you just need some help seeing it and laying it all out.

Hire the Best Business Coach For Women in Indianapolis - AndreaLiebross.com

Good news! When we work together (and I hope we do!), that’s exactly what we are going to do.

So, buckle up, my friend. It’s time to clear out the mental clutter and start with a fresh plan for you — a plan that helps you achieve more but feels so much EASIER.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not. And I can’t wait for you to find out.

World Coach Institute Certified Coach
Authorized Partner - Everything DiSC
Certified WBENC - Women's Business Enterprise
You Need a Budget Certified Coach