Think BIG - Andrea Liebross


Your Solution for Solopreneur Stress

I've Got This
I've Got This

Your business is still in its infancy or toddler stage — maybe still even a side gig. You’re feeling a mix of pride and stress. 

You’re proud of what you’ve figured out so far. You’ve found some solutions (some better than others) and you’re always looking for more — especially the free ones. You’ve learned to be efficient. And you’re getting to be kind of a genius at doing things yourself, with Google and YouTube always ready with answers for your next move.

But lately… you’re feeling stuck. Working evenings and weekends, juggling conflicting demands, are sucking the entrepreneurial spirit right out of you. You’re stressed out most of the time. You want to change something, but you’re afraid to make any big moves — they cost money. And energy. And time! None of which you feel you have. If only you had a solution that would help you build your business without very step feeling hard…and scary.

And so you keep searching… but Internet searches don’t help when you aren’t sure what you’re actually looking for. All you know is that you’re beating yourself up for not having your act together by now.

As your frustration grows, so does that thought… Was corporate really that bad? Maybe I don’t have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. Security and predictability sure sound good right about now…

You need a solution — fast.

I get you. What you’re feeling is not fun. But: What if the thing you need isn’t a free tool or system or how-to video? What if you could feel better about your business and your life, achieve your goals, and regain your confidence and excitement about being an entrepreneur … just by learning to think differently? And what if that different version of thinking was to think bigger, not smaller?

Sometimes, my friend, you can’t do it alone, all the time.

Maybe it’s time to think beyond free DIY solutions and just say it: You need help. From more than videos. From someone you can talk to who understands what you’re saying and feeling and can get you into a different mindset — one where you’ll suddenly see a whole different world full of new options.

Guess what? You can have that, and it WILL make a difference. I know all your goals are possible — and I’ve got just the right package to help you achieve them. What you need is to learn how to Think Big.

Think Big group coaching: what to expect

I know you can do this. It just takes a shift in mindset, and support from people who care. 

Those people include me and all of the Think Big coaching group members who would love to meet you, too. Believe me: We’ve all been where you are in some way. So, really, you only have to be alone if you choose to stay that way. Why not come in out of the cold and take a seat at the (virtual) table?

The people sitting around it are a pretty interesting group! They are like you, working hard to solve their business and life challenges. But unlike you, they’re doing it together, guided by proven coaching methods and supported by each other along the way. That gives them a set of advantages you don’t have (yet. But you could!).

In this group, you will:

Women around a table talking animatedly

In short: By investing in coaching, you’ll have the support you need to make the kind of progress you want, and can’t seem to make alone.

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Andrea helped me identify where my thinking was holding me back and facilitated my transition into a new business. Her help was invaluable, and I take nuggets from her with me every single day! If you're feeling stuck, struggling with a major choice, or feeling out of control, Andrea can help.
Corey Bennett Williams
Corey Bennett Williams
Racial Equality Educator & Healing Coach

How It Works

Think Big is an ongoing, annually renewing coaching package that helps you shift your mindset to think like a CEO. It includes:

Start Putting the Pieces of Your Business and Life Together

Are you ready to invest in yourself and finally start putting the puzzle pieces together? Let’s get you on track for success!