Runway to Freedom - Andrea Liebross

Runway to Freedom Coaching and Mastermind

Set Your Sights on Freedom

Runway to Freedom
Runway to Freedom

Well, look at you! You’ve definitely achieved a lot over the years. As you take a moment to look at where you’ve come from, you can’t help but smile a little. You’ve combined big thinking and business savvy to build a thriving business and team from the ground up, become a respected leader and member of your community and industry, and develop a solid clientele who keep coming back for the value you deliver.

It’s been a rewarding rollercoaster ride, this entrepreneurial adventure. You’ve made it through so many ups and downs that you’ve lost count. And you’re still (mostly) in one piece, with enough experience to write half a dozen books. If only you had the time to do something like write a book. You’re too busy juggling #allthethings to even think about a big project like that.

And that brings up that One Important Point you’ve kind of been avoiding. Sure, your business is running well. It’s solid. It’s kind of like an old friend. You’ve been through thick and thin together, and you’ve stuck by each other, reliable companions through those roller coaster ups and downs.

But… there’s also that not-so-friendly side of the relationship: Your business is also running you into the ground. You’d love a minute to relax, but you can’t. Projects are waiting for YOU. Your people need all their answers from YOU. That next decision is waiting for YOU. And you aren’t even sure you have the brain power to make it. You want to take time off — but HOW? What you really need is two or three of yourself to fulfill all of the demands on you. Maybe then, you wouldn’t always seem to be the bottleneck holding EVERYTHING up — you wouldn’t dread going on vacation, knowing you’ll have to take your laptop with you to the beach. Laptop lines on your suntan are not a good look.


You already know business and life are intertwined, and that if your business doesn’t let you have a life, something has to give. That will end up being your health — mentally or physically. Maybe you’re already seeing the toll of stress — chronic health issues or anxiety are creeping in. Your relationships are suffering. You can’t remember the last time you talked to your best friend… what was her name again? Do you even have a best friend?

Yes, you know there’s a problem. But you’re not sure how to figure out the solution. So, those wishes just keep percolating there in the back of your mind. Couldn’t you find a way to deliver top value, with even less effort — and maybe not every minute of your time?

Good news: You can love your work AND how you operate in it. You just need to create some space to be everything you want to be — not just the ambitious woman with big goals, but also a mom, a spouse, a daughter, a friend… you can wear all the hats. (Just not all at once, because that would look silly.) By creating better systems, support, and leaders, you can break out of the bottleneck and get things flowing again.

Runway to Freedom Mastermind Group Coaching: What You'll Get

You’ve been making all these decisions about your business by yourself. And you’ve done a great job! But… wouldn’t it be a lot more fun to make them with a group of respected peers you could come to see as trusted allies? And wouldn’t it be a lot easier if you had a guide who could lead you past the pitfalls you already know you’ll encounter — even though you don’t quite know how they’ll show up this time?

I think it’s time to find out. My friend, meet your new built-in board of directors. They’re standing right there, next to your Runway to Freedom. And I can’t wait to take you there.

Runway to Freedom is more than a coaching community. It’s a tightly knit group of incredible women who share your high ambition and your self-confidence. These are seasoned veterans who aren’t afraid to take on a challenge. They will push you, inspire you, and cheer you on. They will also pick you up, dust you off, and get you back on your feet when you fall down. I didn’t name them your board of directors — that’s what they call their group. And I have to admit, it fits.

They, along with my coaching team and I, will work together to provide a beautifully tailored VIP package to help you:

What would it be like to finally get the freedom to serve not just your business, but also yourself? After all, if you don’t take care of YOU, how can you accomplish anything — including taking care of others?

Runway to Freedom

How It Works

Runway to Freedom is an ongoing, annually renewing VIP coaching package that combines mastermind sessions, 1:1 laser coaching from Andrea, specialized 1:1 coaching from Andrea’s coaching team, and in-person retreats to keep you at peak performance.

You're Cleared for Takeoff

I know—all of these resources look great, but maybe also a little overwhelming, too, right? How can you make all this room in your packed schedule?

Rest assured: This isn’t about doing all the things. It’s about doing all the right things. You won’t have to jump into all of this at once. And you will get to move boldly into new heights of freedom without stress, and more quickly than you believe you can. Because now … you’ll have a coach!

All we need is a starting conversation to set you on the right course and clear you for takeoff.